Hvis du har interesse for up-coming modebrands, så læs artiklen fra F.Y! MAGAZINE. I artiklen fremhæves tre up-coming brands Twelvepieces, Dansk Bomuldskompagni & ACKITE. Der er fokus på dansk mode samt hvorfor de har valgt at være en del af HEADSTART FASHION.DANKS_fy3

Billede, Dansk Bomuldskompagni

Dansk Bomuldskompagni udtaler følgende i forbindelse med HEADSTART FASHION Press Delegation 2017 til F.Y! MAGAZINE:

“We attend THE HEADSTART FASHION event because when you are a small brand it is very important to get exposure. Whenever we meet the press we get great feedback and usually a lot of editorials. But getting the attention of the media is usually hard. HEADSTART FASHION is a great organization for making the link between small fashion companies and the consumer as well as the media.”

Skærmbillede 2017-08-21 kl. 14.01.27

Billede, ACKITE

ACKITE udtaler ligeledes følgende om deres deltagelse i HEADSTART FASHION Press Delegation 2017:

“… I decided to join the Press Delegation of 2017. This was an event where 7 selected brands got to show their collection to some of the fashion industries biggest magazines. This was also where ACKITE did come into contact with F.Y. Magazine. Joining the Press Delegation gave us a lot of drive to be even better. HEADSTART FASHION has definitely been a massive turn up for ACKITE, and I hope it will be the same for others as well.”


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