HEADSTART FASHION skal gøre Region Midtjylland til Danmarks nye kraftcenter for mode og skal samtidig være et knudepunkt, der binder modebranchen i regionen sammen og skaber relationer til resten af DK og udlandet. Formålet med HEADSTART FASHION er at bidrage til mere vækst, udvikling og sammenhængskraft i modebranchen med udgangspunkt i Region Midtjylland.
Tilsammen tegner regionens modevirksomheder sig for størsteparten af den danske branches samlede omsætning. Alene i Aarhus Kommune er der, i følge rapport fra DMA Research, omkring 350 moderelaterede virksomheder hvoraf 90% har under 10 ansatte. De mellemstore og store modevirksomheder er generelt i positiv udvikling, mens udviklingen er mere blandet for de små, der har sværere ved at vokse og overleve. En stor andel af de små modevirksomheder overlever ikke de første år. Der er derfor et uforløst potentiale i den samlede klynge af mode- og tekstilvirksomheder. Der er nemlig ikke tradition for kompetenceudvikling, hverken forretningsudvikling eller faglig udvikling. Der er heller ikke tradition for at søge netværk og partnerskab.
HEADSTART FASHION afvikler kontinuerligt forretningsudvikling, events og netværksaktiviteter i Region Midtjylland. Samtidig synliggøres modebranchen med henblik på at skabe mere opmærksomhed omkring branchen i RM. Det skal og kan kun realiseres i tæt samarbejde med branchens aktører.
I 2016 blev HEADSTART FASHION HOUSE etableret. HEADSTART FASHION HOUSE er et inkubationsmiljø for moderelaterede virksomheder. Udviklingsmiljøet er en demomodel for et modehus, hvor mindre modevirksomheder kan få glæde af netværket og de tilknyttede tilbud. Som et eksempel derpå får modevirksomhederne adgang til et mentornetværk og muligheden for at få adgang til et medlemskab af landet største brancheorganisation Dansk Mode & Textil på attraktive og eksklusive vilkår.
For at indfri ambitionerne arbejder HEADSTART FASHION tæt sammen med en række markante organisationer som eksempelvis Dansk Mode & Textil, Innovationsnetværket Livsstil – Bolig & beklædning, Danish Fashion Institute, uddannelsesinstitutioner som VIA Design og små, mellemstore og store modevirksomheder.
HEADSTART FASHION er et klyngeinitiativ i regi af More.Creative, som er Region Midtjylland og Kulturhovedstad Aarhus 2017’s vækstinitiativ i de kreative erhverv.
HEADSTART FASHION aims at making Central Denmark Region a national growth centre for fashion and at the same time constitute a hub that gathers the region’s fashion industry and creates new networks at a national and international level. Starting from Central Denmark Region, the purpose of HEADSTART FASHION is to contribute to growth, development and collaboration in the fashion industry.
The revenue of the private companies in the region accounts for approx. 75 % of the total revenue of the fashion industry in Denmark. 350 companies working with fashion are based in Aarhus Municipality alone, 90 % of which have less than ten employees. For large and medium-sized companies business is generally good, while smaller companies often struggle to grow or even survive. In fact, 40 % of small fashion companies do not survive the first years. This leaves an unfulfilled potential for the combined cluster of fashion and textile companies, since there is no tradition for systematically developing neither vocational nor business competencies. Furthermore, there is no official basis for seeking out potential networks and partnerships.
HEADSTART FASHION continuously organizes activities for developing business and networking skills all over the Central Denmark Region meanwhile pursuing an international agenda.
HEADSTART FASHION plays an active part and represents a valuable actor in the Danish fashion industry, however, only when collaborating closely with other industry actors.
Today, HEADSTART FASHION already has established commercial partnerships to ensure that the organization is financially sound.
To meet its ambitions, HEADSTART FASHION works closely with several prominent organizations, e.g. Dansk Fashion & Textile and the Danish Fashion Institute, educational institutions such as VIA Design and small, medium-sized and large fashion companies primarily based in the Central Denmark Region.
HEADSTART FASHION is a cluster initiative established within the framework of More Creative. More Creative is Central Denmark Region’s and Aarhus 2017 European Capital of Culture’s strategy to stimulate growth and create jobs by supporting the region’s creative industries.